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Welcome to Gerald's Story

My Life. Your Gain.

“Preparation has two meanings to me —
Health and Wealth.” 

Gerald Tay, Founder - A Bowl of Rice

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My Credentials. Your Gain.

Experienced. Certified. Supportive.
Singapore's Leading Property Wealth Coach & Fitness Professional

Gerald Tay has almost 20 years of solid property investment successes with a global residential and commercial property portfolio spanning U.S.A To Singapore.
Before transforming his fitness passion into a profession, Gerald’s a Career Property Investor. He boasts as Singapore’s Leading Real Estate Investment Coach & Qualified Exercise Professional.
His writings and property investment philosophy are highly-sought after by major property media including Yahoo News, Property Guru & Singapore Property Weekly. He was featured In Media Corp Channel 5 “Property Sense” To share his investment success.  
He’s certified by one of the world’s most prestigious Personal Trainer Organisations, ACE (American Council Of Exercise), which means he’s well-trained in anatomy, physiology, movement science and specialized in corrective exercise programs for those 40+ and older.
Besides investments, Gerald instructs at Singapore’s International Sports Academy as one of their leading instructors for their Certified Personal Trainer programs.
He understands that no two individuals are alike and will work with you to create your inner champion through Property Wealth and Get Fit at the right pace.


Gerald & A Bowl of Rice

Only age 34, my early stage cancer struck me like a falling boulder Poor diet, heavy smoker, overweight due to lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle are major culprits. Spent too much of time trying to make more money instead of making better health.

That was 10 years ago. It’s all behind me today. I quitted smoking and embarked on a strict diet and tough fitness regime a 20-year old would be ashamed of.


Beyond Wealth. Beyond Fitness.

Over the last 7 years via my blog CREI Academy Group, I’ve shared much of my property success “secrets” to hundreds if not thousands of readers, buyers and investors. My almost 20 years of investment experiences have helped myself and many others whom have received my valuable advice, successfully navigate our treacherous property waters.

If you’re a keen Singapore property buyer and investor, you must have read my many regular contributions to major property platforms, Property Guru, Singapore Property Weekly (a.k.a Propwise), Property Soul and Channel5, MediaCorp.


Read more of my critical property writings via CREI Academy Group here.

Access my book "Real Estate is a Harsh Mistress" on wealth & real estate strategy here.


I purposefully went on hiatus starting late 2017 and the entire 2018. Paused my writings and property workshops. (My real estate book was written in 2017 and published early 2018)

Financial Wealth & Physical Fitness for Over 40 Affluent

From my past failures and life experiences, I decided to do something much more life-impacting than just simply sharing property wealth with many of my fellow Gen X (Born 1965 - 1980). Our ordinary lives don’t always involve money, money and more money. That’s greedy capitalism. We live our lives towards family, abundance, financial stability, and very importantly – health and physical wellness.

It’s not just money or health. It’s the things that money and good health can mean to you and your family. Money affects all the things that are important in our lives.


To help more people, I had to look beyond wealth. Thus, CREI Academy Group was rebranded to A Bowl of Rice to focus and act on two very important priorities affecting our later lives besides family – Financial wealth and Physical Wellness.


Financial Wealth: How to buy, invest and sustain our property investments for financial stability and growth.

Physical Wellness: How to regenerate, enhance and protect our physical body to overcome mobility challenges in later years.


A Bowl of Rice aims to bring meaningful Wealth, Fitness and Health together – with warmth and comfort – just like a bowl of rice in your hands.

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Personal Biography

Passionate Life Coach

I was born in the seventies Singapore, a period of common hardship, kampongs and pig-rearing farms for most ordinary people. But I was different…. and fortunate. I was born into a completely different class of family, one that never tasted hardships, smelled pig dungs or even played with spiders when young.

I never knew how living in a hot, crampy zinc-roof attap house in a kampong actually felt like, or how is it even possible to have mosquitoes bite you when you’re asleep at night.

You may call me a member of  'The Lucky Sperm Club’, one who is so fortunate enough to be born into a elite, wealthy family, especially in that period of backward Singapore. And we were not just wealthy, but very wealthy. We were the top 1% of the 1% of the rich elites then.

As young boy growing up in the seventies and the eighties, I lived in large 30,000 square feet bungalows, semi-detached landed homes and private condominiums in 9, 10, 11 prime districts with mom and dad. (My parents divorced when I was 5 years old). My dad and my many uncles and aunties were very fortunate also, enjoying the tremendous wealth built by my late grandfather himself.

If wealth and fortune has 4 seasons, this would be spring time.

My late grandfather made his riches through various businesses and properties, prospering and taking advantage of the early growth of Singapore with his tremendous foresight. Some of our family businesses ranged from very well-known local consumer brands, retail and watches. We owned commercial buildings in the CBD area and some even had my grandfather’s name on it.

We were property developers too, owned big lands and built many terrace houses in the sub-urban areas. My grandfather was head of many business communities and was awarded the PBM title by the President for his philantrophic efforts and many contributions to Singapore.

In my early years as a curious child, I would often pop to visit my dad and grandfather at their workplace. My grandfather would always have me sit in his boardroom meetings to learn. He would often impart many of his wealth principles, and therefore I was very fortunate to get a first-hand-look at how the very rich gets rich and what they really do.

That’s spring and we went from here to winter.

My grandfather passed on and our entire family went into chaos over the huge multi-million dollar assets my grandfather left.

My dad never received his fair share of wealth, due to a huge internal sibling squabbles, back-stabbings and in-house political rivalry. He died young from cancer, not long after my grandfather. My mom and I had to move into a HDB flat, and it was my very first time, at age 15, that I first experience hardship.

To supplement incomes while schooling, I started part-time work from age 15 while schooling, working various jobs from waiter, wood-cutter, theme-park attendant, various salesman jobs, etc. Life has become different and I had the opportunity, unlike many, to personally experience our social-economic ladders of the ultra-rich enclave, poor and middle-income class. 

Over the years, I remembered my late grandfather’s wealth teachings and put them into real practice. I run my first business at age 24 and bought my first investment property at age 26.

In both businesses and properties, I’ve successfully withstood the volatile market’s ups and downs of the past two decades, even beyond, through my late grandfather’s wealth principles. Indeed, they’ve proven time-tested and practical.

Many people I know of dreams to be rich or make millions. But many fail to comprehend that being rich and making millions is not all that fairy tales concocted in the movies, famous personalities, and the media. They may be rich or look one, but many are never happy. I was born into an ultra-rich family, am I to say I led a happy childhood? My parents divorced when I was just 5 years old, my family broke up completely including my dad’s side. There was lots of bad blood.

I can truthfully say it into your eyes, you do not want to be in my shoes if you ever had that chance. And I wished I was born ordinary.

There’re many self proclaimed millionaires and investment ‘experts’ today who claim you can make millions and also be happy, show you beautiful pictures of nice big cars and big houses…..Think again!

They don’t know what they are talking about, or think they know enough of what the really rich do and the life they lead. They've very likely never experienced and fully comprehend what a millionaire/billionaire lifestyle is, and the emotional pains, broken family secrets and dirty laundry kept well-hidden from public eye. 

I hope my personal life experiences, coming both from the rich as well as a poor background, will bring you valuable insights into the elusive world of the real wealthy rich, the dos and don’ts, the haves and have nots.

A Bowl of Rice hopes to capture this essence for you through my coaching, articles, writings, and life philosophies.

Victim or Hero?

A victim is someone who blames others or circumstances for his or her situation. They don't take responsibility, they think "poor me" and relinquish control of their life to others or just rely on chance.

In contrast, a hero faces his fears head-on, understands that success requires risk and failure is a possibility, but the reward is often well worth the risk.

Stated another way, heroes accept the hand they have been dealt and play it to win, doing whatever it takes to try and create positive results. Victims blame their luck and fold. Victims give up. Heroes never do.

Schedule Your Complimentary Session

Keep in mind I only have a limited amount of space in my schedule and only take on a limited number of clients at any given time in order to ensure they have my undivided attention.

Schedule your FREE  60 MINS ONE-ON-ONE chat session now to enjoy priorities.

Thank you.

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