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Intelligent Fitness for Intelligent Investors

We Give a Whole New Meaning to Property Wealth & Fitness

As Featured In


The Private Tutor for Property Investors

We Empower You With an Independent Mind.

Learn from a True-blue Career Property investor with 20 years of Solid Investment Success!

Happy senior asian woman with man or per

Physical Fitness & Wellness

Because Exercise Should Be Empowering, Not Intimidating.

We Manage Your Health So You Can Enjoy Your Wealth.

One Focus. You.

Support That Makes The Difference

Intelligent Fitness for Intelligent Investors

Happy Asian family with their daughter i

The Private Tutor for
Smart Property Investors

Protect Your Wealth. Finance Your Future

Build your property wealth through sustainable and smart investing - like a bowl of rice.
What we want to do is to change the way ordinary people invest in properties, so that you, the ordinary investor will never, if ever, lose money in your property investment journey.

The Personal Trainer Who Hated Exercise...That's Why We Understand You Well

Maintaining Health Today for Wealth Security Later

A bowl of rice is also a symbol of nourishment and providing food for oneself - similar to our physical body.
For many of us in our middle-aged years, longterm health and physical wellness dramatically influence the expectations of our financial futures.
We care for health & physical wellness with an eye toward building a foundation for our elder years.

Rave Reviews

Property Investment Strategy


“I would say that the workshop was worth attending as I learned how Gerald, a true blue property investor, does his property investment. The method of property evaluation that he shared was not covered in other workshops that I had attended previously. It certainly provides food for thought and I have always picked up new knowledge whenever I attend courses or workshops. The case study gave us an actual investment that could let us relate to what was being taught. The knowledge could help us evaluated both local and overseas properties, though he stressed that it is important for us to be familiar with the area’s property market or to have very good partners who know the area well.
Personally, I feel that Gerald is a very sincere person in sharing his property investment knowledge and his workshop fee is reasonable compared to industry standards.”

Jim Yue, MNC Sales Manager


“After attending Gerald’s workshop I was able to more than double the yield for my investment property from 3.2% to 7.8%!
In the current low interest/yield environment, many investors are flocking overseas into relative unknown, untested and unproven market when they really should be looking at something closer to home by revamping their current investment properties portfolio. Before the next crisis hits, I would strongly recommend every current and aspiring property owners to attend this course.”

Shei Wah, Business Owner


“I converted my current property from a 3% yield into a 6.5% net yield, immediately after attending Gerald’s workshop. My commercial USA property co-investment with Gerald as partner is the best investment decision I've ever made!”

Patrick Tay, Entrepreneur


“I bought a property and converted it into a 6% net yield, immediately after attending Gerald’s workshop. Unlike many other ‘gurus’, Gerald’s practical , yet conservative strategy puts my money into actual work!”

Vincent Chua, Entrepreneur

Rave Reviews

Strength, Flexibility & Mobility Training

The Personal Trainer for age 40 & over


YC & Winnie, Age 43, Entrepreneur
Couple Workout

I used to feel a muscle lump at around the mid section of my spinal cord whenever I took a bath.
I found it worrisome as it could be a precursor of something bad and serious. My fear was made worse when a masseur told me right in my face that I had some kind of a spinal problem, without giving any further advice on how to go about resolving it. I felt totally helpless.
I am so glad that after 4 sessions of prescribed exercise and stretching, I could no longer feel the same muscle lump.
It is such a relief, as I could have spent a fortune to have it diagnosed and treated by going down the rabbit hole of seeing different specialists, when the simple solution of exercise and stretching in the comfort of my own home is just right before me, many thanks to the superb guidance from Gerald Tay!


Gerald Tay as Course Instructor
August 2018, Certified Personal Trainer Class, International Sports Academy

Mark, 45 years old: I love the way Gerald builds rapport with students. Learned a lot!

Danny, 45 years old: I love the way Gerald train us. Unlike many younger trainers, he relates very well with older clients or students because of his maturity and life experiences. 

Wendy, 20 plus years old: Gerald has a natural gift to make you feel very comfortable and being you without those "nasty trainer remarks". 

Celine, 30 plus years old and mother: Extremely dedicated and caring instructor!

Cumin Rice

"Beyond a Bowl" 

On Your Own, But Not Alone

The rice bowl is a symbol of togetherness in our Asian culture. The rice bowl has a soft texture on the outer surface that can be felt when caressed with both hands.

Holding the rice bowl in your hand, therefore, becomes a very comforting experience.

A bowl of rice on the table represents the reward for the hard work that was put in during the day.  The Chinese concept of an “iron rice bowl” thus refers to the system of guaranteed lifetime employment in state enterprises.

Those who had an "iron rice bowl" is said to have a stable income to provide food for themselves and their family under any circumstances.

An iron rice bowl thus represents our financial growth & stability and lifelong health.

"A Beyond a Bowl" approach - Together, we go the distance with you

Like A Bowl of Rice - Core Values

Hard work.  Get what you give.  Quality over quantity.  People before money.  Communication. Family, Faith, & Community.

Be Humble. Be Empathetic. Be Different



I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Happy Asian family with their daughter i


I make everybody feel like somebody

Wheat Field

Be Humble

Work hard in silence. Let success make the noise.

Sat on the Rocks


Is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. – C.S. Lewis

Wandering Traveler


People with passion can change the world for the better. – Steve Jobs



Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. – Dalai Lama

Attractive Asian Family in Lounge.jpg


Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.

Fall Foliage


The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice. – Brian Herbert

Happy Businessman

Conscious Capitalism

Based on building businesses that do good, trusting that positive financial results will be the natural outcome.
We must first empathize with our customers to identify what's important to them, and focus on that.

“We convince by our presence”

Walt Whitman

Schedule Your Complimentary Session

Keep in mind I only have a limited amount of space in my schedule and only take on a limited number of clients at any given time in order to ensure they have my undivided attention.

Schedule your FREE  60 MINS ONE-ON-ONE chat session now to enjoy priorities.

Thank you.

WhatsApp: 8292-9976

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